Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

Degradasi Bangsa (Tulisan Kewarganegaraan)

Indonesia adalah salah satu Negara yang memiliki beranekaragaman suku, budaya  dan bahasa. Sehingga Negara lain pun tidak sanggup menyangkal nya. Karena Indonesia adalah satu Negara kepulauan di dunia ini yang di anugerahi kekayaan alam dan budaya. Kemudian bermuara menjadi budaya nasional Negara Indonesia. Selain itu sangat dipuji oleh Negara lain, karena rasa toleransi nya yang tinggi antar masyarakat nya serta keramah tamahan warga Indonesia. Di Indonesia, kita tidak hanya bisa melihat rasa toleransi akan budaya saja tetapi juga toleransi akan kepercayaan dan keyakinan.

Sedari kecil, kita sebagai warga Negara Indonesia telah mendapatkan pendidikan bertoleransi dan kebangsaan baik di bangku sekolah ataupun lingkungan, seperti yang diajarkan oleh orangtua.

Namun apakah ditahun 2013, di era globalisasi. Dimana seluruh pertukaran informasi dengan sangat mudah di peroleh dan sangat terbuka. Kita pun mudah mengetahui bangsa dan kebudayaan Negara lain. Apakah nilai-nilai kebangsaan dan nasionalisme kita masih sama seperti dahulu? Disaat para pemuda bertumpah darah membela Negara dengan mengatas namakan bangsa dan budaya.

Nyatanya para pemuda bangsa ini lebih bangga mengetahui kebudayaan Negara lain dan menurunnya nilai-nilai nasionalisme dalam dirinya. Dan tidak sedikit masyarakat Indonesia lebih bangga menggunakan produk luar negeri dibandingkan produk lokal. Kemudian saling berkelahi ketika satu suku bersinggungan dengan yang lain. Lupa akan nilai-nilai budaya dan kebangsaan yang mendasar.

Bangsa yang besar adalah bangsa yang menghargai budaya nya. Lalu apakah Indonesia akan menjadi bangsa yang besar, jika keadaan nya terus menerus. Semakin terjadinya degradasi rasa nasionalisme dan rasa kebangsaan.

Mari kita tumbuhkan lagi rasa kebangsaan dan rasa nasionalisme. Kita mulai dari para pemuda pemudi, yang cerdas dan kreatif. Kita bangun bangsa kita agar semakin maju. Kita cintai produk dalam negeri dan menjaga warisan budaya yang telah ada.

Writing 3 (Foreign Bank which Operates in Indonesia)

HSBC Holdings plc is a British multinational banking and financial services organization headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It was founded in London in 1991 by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation to act as a new group holding company. The origins of the bank lie in Hong Kong and Shanghai, where branches were first opened in 1865. The HSBC name is derived from the initials of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited.
It has around 7,200 offices in 85 countries and territories across Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and South America, and around 89 million customers. As of 31 December 2012 it had total assets of $2.693 trillion, of which roughly half were in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and a quarter each in Asia-Pacific and the Americas. As of 2012, it was the world's largest bank in terms of assets and sixth-largest public company, according to a composite measure by Forbes magazine.
HSBC is organised within four business groups: Commercial Banking; Global Banking and Markets (investment banking); Retail Banking and Wealth Management; and Global Private Banking.
HSBC has a primary listing on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. As of 6 July 2012 it had a market capitalisation of £102.7 billion, the second-largest company listed on the London Stock Exchange, after Royal Dutch Shell. It has secondary listings on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (where it is a constituent of the Hang Seng Index), the New York Stock Exchange, Euronext Paris and the Bermuda Stock Exchange.
In Indonesia, HSBC began attending in Jakarta in 1884, so it is one of the oldest banks in Indonesia. It initially served the important sugar trade and then expanded to Semarang and Surabaya. However, the bank faced obstacles along the way as the bank was forced to close operation during World War II and in the mid 1960s. However, HSBC was granted with a new banking license in 1968, and the bank has remain steady ever since. Now HSBC served its customer in Indonesia through 49 branches in 6 major cities across Indonesia, namely Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Batam and Medan. Our services is supported by more than 3,000 employees, today HSBC Indonesia has grown into Indonesia's leading international bank, offering wide range of services in retail banking and wealth management, corporate and investment banking, institutional banking, treasury capital markets and Syariah banking services.


Task 1 (Job Conditions)

Job Conditions
Worker’s Rating
Manager’s Rating
Full appreciation for work done
We get appreciation when work has done, we will feel more appreciation.
Feeling’in on things
This is the last thing to be part of the assessment
Sympathetic understanding of personal problems
This not too important for worker or for the manager. Because for the some reason, sometime we don’t want to share our problems.
Job security
Job security can make the worker feel insecure or not in that company.
Good wages
For workers, good weges being the main consideration. But, for the manager. Weges adjusted to the workload.
Interesting work
When we get a good weges, we want to work in place that we like.
Promotion & growth with company
Almost worker and manager want get promotion and growth with company.
Management loyality to workers
Loyality was to show how much we love to work in that place
Good working conditions
As a manager, maybe for the workers too. The condition can improve productivity.
Discipline is a must. Every employee, even though he is a manager.

Writing 2

Economic cost in Indonesia as we know, Indonesia is a big country with a long history of independence. As an independent nation, Indonesia has the right to determine the path of independence. And related terms, the Indonesian Constitution mentions in the opening. Indonesia claims that aspires to protect all the people, promote the general welfare, the intellectual life of the nation and the world order. The four basic principles are then cleaved further in the long term Development Plan (RPJP) Indonesia 2005-2025. That the Mission of national development that aims to achieve the vision of Indonesia: INDONESIA an independent, fair, and prosperous. To be able to achieve its vision of development that need to be implemented development programs as a tool to bring about justice and social welfare. This is in line with what was delivered by Kartasasmita (1996) that the construction is "effort raises the dignity of people in his condition was not able to escape the trap of poverty and underdevelopment.

Community building means enabling or independent they are in essence the development process must put the position of the people must be as substantial areas (the subject) is not contrary to be marginal-residual (objects) that knocked dehumanization. But in his travels are frequent leaks or obstructions affecting the development process itself. Obstacles or begins to leak from the obstacles that impede a minor, major or even shut down the development process itself. Resistance or leakage are often termed ' Bottlenecking '. Bottlenecking impact is going to result in ineffectiveness of development that impact the high economic costs (high cost economic). If development has not been effective, then it will only result in frustration for both national bureaucrats, technocrats, and small people.

The high economic costs can pose Some Economic Issues in Indonesia

1. High Unemployment.
From year to year, the problem of unemployment in Indonesia is growing. There is no surefire solution to tackle the high unemployment today. Procurement jobs alone to be sufficient to reduce unemployment in our country.

2. High Cost of Production
It was common knowledge in the industry in our country is that in addition to the cost of production is high enough not to mention the added costs that should not be issued. However, because of the safety factor in our country is still very low and the inability of the government to support and protect the industrial sector, as a result there are a lot of illegal levies that even recently conducted openly.
It is also finally making the cost of production is increasing. Worse yet, there is no definite solution to this problem. Even some industries are considered good enough eventually went bankrupt and prefer to turn into an importer who just simply provide warehouse and only a few workers compared with establishing a new industry. This should be of particular concern the government to address these issues and other economic problems in Indonesia.

Other economic problems in Indonesia
3. The Government‚ decision Less Right
We all know that in recent years this once very widespread circulation of goods from China in our country, is not it? Well, the cause is the government’s decision in the case of economic regulation that is less precise when viewed from the condition of the economies of Indonesia. At that time the government decided to join the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA). Finally it came to pass as we feel today. Local products almost lost with products originating from China.

4. Material Necessity Still Rare
Scarcity of basic commodities is one of the serious problems affecting the economic conditions of Indonesia. This problem will be felt at all in the time leading up to the big day as the feast of Idul Fitri, Christmas and other major holidays. Although governments sometimes raid the market to plunge immediately see the cause of the scarcity of basic commodities, but this action it is still far from resolving the problem itself scarcity of basic needs.

5. Banking interest rate Too High
You should know that one of the indicators to determine whether or not the economy is in a state interest rate. The higher or lower the interest rates in a country, it would greatly affect the economic conditions in the country. Well, for the bank’s interest rate in Indonesia is still considered too high so it still needs more attention from the government to tackle this problem.

6. The value of High Inflation
In addition to interest rates, another thing that also affect economic conditions in a country is the value of inflation. In Indonesia, inflation assessed value nearly sensitive enough. Even just because of high food prices in the market, the inflation rate is also affected. Result of the high inflation rate in our country, it will be popping the economic problems of Indonesia.

Conversation 2

Susan Barnes is a clerk – typist at reliant insurance. She is an excellent worker. This morning she went to see Mr. Harris, the officer manager and handed him a letter saying that she was giving up her job. Mr. Harris did not want Susan to leave so he tried to persuade her to change her mind.

Susan Barnes: Good afternoon Mr. Harris.
Mr. Harris: Good afternoon, Susan.

Susan Barnes: May I meet with you?
Mr Harris: Come in. Plis sit over there. There are something so you want to meet me?

Susan Barnes: I want to give you, a letter of my resignation, sir.
Mr. Harris: What? Do you want to resign Susan?

Susan Barnes: Yes, Sir. I’m so apologize for that.
Mr. Harris: Are you not comfortable working in this company?

Susan Barnes: No, sir. Everything is fine. This company have a good working conditions.
Mr. Harris: You've worked long enough at this company. If I’m not wrong, it’s been 3 years you worked at this company.

Susan Barnes: Sorry, Sir. But has been 4 years.
Mr. Harris: So why do you have a desire to resign from this job? Tell me, susan.

Susan Barnes: I want to have a better career path, sir.
Mr. Harris: You are one of the best employees in this company.

Susan Barnes: Thankyou, Sir. I was so flattered.
Mr. Harris: That’s true Susan.

Susan Barnes: I'm sorry that I have made a decision. but, I still want to resign.
Mr. Harris: What if we raise your salary.?

Susan Barnes: Sorry, sir. But this is not about salary.
Mr. Harris: Are you sure? If this about the salaries. I will raise 30% your salary.

Susan Barnes: I’m really sure. Forsure, is not about the salary.
Mr. Harris: So what? So why you still remain wanted to resign?

SusanBarnes: I just want to get another workplace knowledge.
Mr. Harris: You must try to think again.

Susan Barnes: I still want to resign, Sir.
Mr. Harris: What if we move you to a better employment position.

Susan Barnes: But, sorry sir. This company is not already there are vacant positions?
Mr. Harris: I'll try. because I do not want you to resign. You have given a good performance for this company.

Susan Barnes: Then what about my resignation letter, Sir?
Mr. Harris: Give me time to think.

Susan Barnes: Okay, Sir.
Mr. Harris: And I give you time to think again on the decisions you’ve made.

Susan Barnes: Thankyou, Sir.
Mr. Harris: Enjoy your work. And have a nice day.

Writing 1


    Each year, The Prudential Foundation invests more than $25 million in grants to support the revitalization of communities and the community engagement efforts of Prudential employees. We are living in a global, knowledge-based economy. The long-term prospects of our nation depend on our ability to educate all of our citizens at equal and high levels. Similarly, for our communities to thrive in this economy, we must be focused on creating jobs, strengthening job skills, and creating vibrant places to live and work.
    Performance Prudential Indonesia when compared with the same period in 2009, the total premium income grew by 36%, while the total premium income of Rp Syariah units. 923 billion, or an increase of 44%. Total new business amounting to Rp. 3.6 trillion, growing by 45% ith total assets under management amounted to Rp. 21.9 trillion, growing by 44% over the same period in 2009. Total assets of the company increased by 44% to Rp. 25 trillion. Starting from mid-2010, the total number of customers has exceeded the 1.1 million inhabitants. Level of the company’s financial health is measured from Risk Based Capital (RBC) of 766%, so far beyond the minimum requirements set by the Ministry of Finance of 120%.
    In order to promote sustainable communities and improve social outcomes for community residents, The Prudential Foundation focuses its resources on the following area is Economic Development. We seek to enhance the vitality of communities by improving the capability of people to earn income and attain, preserve, and grow financial assets. We believe that low-income families can acquire assets and become more financially secure if given the opportunity; that workforce development works best when it is tied to the needs of local employers and creates jobs that offer stable employment, a livable wage, and access to affordable benefits; and that small-business development is an important driver of economic growth and job creation. We also believe that strong communities leverage and build on community assets (e.g., parks, schools, educational, medical or cultural institutions, transit networks) to bring needed resources and/or services to the community.
    In the 3rd quarter of 2010 Prudential Asia life insurance business recorded a rise in acquisition premium berasarkan Annualized Premium Equivalent (APE) by 32% to USD 1066 billion. prudential resulting in a strong performance for the group’s growth strategy. The Foundation strives to support arts and culture that contribute to the local economy and provide diverse opportunities for individuals to experience and participate in the arts. We believe access to and participation in the arts is essential to a thriving and vibrant community and its members.
    Some of the major achievements performance Prudential Indonesia per December 31, 2010 are as follows:
1. Total premium income of Rp. 10.1 trillion, an increase of 38.9% compared to 2009.
2. New business premium income of Rp. 5.3 trillion, an increase of 59.9% compared to 2009.
3. Total premium income of Rp Sharia. 1.3 trillion, an increase of 41.9% compared to 2009.
4. Prudential Asset Indonesia increased to Rp. 25.1 trillion, an increase of 45.2% compared to 2009.
5. Risk Based Capital Ratio increased to 766%, so far beyond the minimum requirements of the finance ministry RI of 120%, indicating that the level of the financial health of the company is on a very strong position.


Conversation 1

Two business people meet by chance in a hotel. One of them is from Indonesia, the other is from another country. They get into conversation and begin to compare working conditions in their countries.
Mr. Nawir: Hi
Mr. Diego: Hi.. Have you waited long enough?

Mr. Nawir: No, I just arrived. Long time no see..
Mr. Diego: How are you doing?

Mr. Nawir: I’m fine, and you?
Mr. Diego: I’m fine too

Mr. Nawir: Are you having a good time in Indonesia?
Mr. Diego: Of course, its very nice to be here

Mr. Nawir: Where do you work?
Mr. Diego: I work in a company in USA. How about you?

Mr. Nawir: I work in a company in Indonesia
Mr. Diego: Is it nice to work in Indonesia?

Mr. Nawir: Yes, it is very nice to work here. How about you? Is it nice to work in USA?
Mr. Diego: Yes, it is very nice to work in USA

Mr. Nawir: How about job security in your country?
Mr. Diego: We use safety working gears such as safety shoes

Mr. Nawir: In my country we do the same thing for safety at work
Mr. Diego: And then, do they have in surance for their workers?

Mr. Nawir: Yes, we have Jamsostek
Mr. Diego: Does your country have standard wages for workers?

Mr. Nawir: Of course, we have standard wages for workers
Mr. Diego: Is it enough for the workers?

Mr. Nawir: Not yet, we are still trying for better standard wages. How about standard wages in your country? Is it the same like our?
Mr. Diego: Yes, we have standard wages as well, but we have better standard wages

Mr. Nawir: What about promotion system in your country?
Mr. Diego: Workers usually get promotion when they are showing good performance. What about in your country?

Mr. Nawir: We have the same procedure as well, people get promoted when they are showing good performance
Mr. Diego: Do you attend meeting in your company?

Mr. Nawir: Yes, I often attend meeting
Mr. Diego: who is the decision maker in your company?

Mr. Nawir: The one who make the decision is my manager. What about in your company?
Mr. Diego: Same thing in my work place, manager makes the decision

Mr. Nawir: Whether the benefit of workers in the country?
Mr. Diego: Yes, in our country we have the benefit for workers

Mr. Nawir: Such as whether the benefit is?
Mr. Diego: We get the benefit of health and education benefits, which can be used

Mr. Nawir: Okay, I have to go
Mr. Diego: Me too

Mr. Nawir: Have a nice day
Mr. Diego: Okay, see you..